What is Trip Bypass in IRD8800 Series Modules?
IRD8800 Series is a API670 Compliant Machinery Protection System (MPS). All its modules are equipped with the facility to Bypass Tripping function of the module. By default - Trip Bypass is disabled. However, if User enables Trip Bypass by entering the Program Menu - then the following happens:
- LED of both Channels of Trip start flashing alternatively on the front of the Module indicating the unit is in Trip Bypass
- Relay Contacts for Trip (Terminal Nos. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 for Channel A and 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 and 44 of Channel B) are Disabled
All other functionality of module are retained as normal. Trip Bypass comes in handy if user wants to prevent false tripping on machine having questionable readings

If User puts Module on Trip Bypass and then indicate Startup Protection to module - then module will first complete Startup Protection functionality for set duration and then go back to Trip Bypass state on completion

If Startup Protection functionality has been triggered and user enables Trip Bypass while the Startup Protection functionality is ON - the module continues to remain in Startup Protection Functionality for set duration and then moves to Trip Bypass state once duration of Startup Protection is complete