Tx Fail Relay Contacts in IRD8800 Series Monitoring System
IRD8800 Series Monitoring System is designed to provide Tx Fail Relay Contacts per Module in the event of Transducer Failure (Sensor going bad or fault in cable). These contacts can be used for Annunciation.
The TX Fail Relay operates when any transducer failure (change in bias voltage) is detected; it is displayed by a flashing bar graph on the front panel of the module. One change-over (DPDT) potential free contact rated at 8A @ 230V AC or 24 V DC is provided. Normally de-energized (non fail-safe), Reset is automatic when fault condition returns to normal.

Alarm and Trip relays are deactivated and also the 4-20mA DC output is pulled below 4mA to 2.8 mA in TX Fail condition.