Pre-Commissioning Checklist for IRD8800 Generator End Winding Vibration Monitoring System (GEWVMS)/Stator End Winding Vibration Monitoring System (SEWVMS)
Before IRD8800 for Generator End Winding Vibration Monitoring can be commissioned, the following needs to be ensured by Purchaser at site:
- Sensors within the Generator (Turbine End and Exciter End) have been mounted and their output has been brought to Lead-In Plate. Healthiness of the Sensors to be verified by Purchaser by checking Resistance as well as Capacitance at Lead-In Plate.
- Field Mounted Junction Box has been erected at its final place
- Cable between Lead-In Plate and Field Mounted Junction Box has been laid and terminated
- Bulk Cable between Field Mounted Junction Box and VMS Panel in Control Room has been Laid and Terminated
- VMS Panel has been erected at its final place in Control Room
- Power Input to the VMS Panel has been connected
- Current Output cable between VMS Panel and Purchaser/End User DCS/PLC/SCADA has been laid and terminated

When raising commissioning request after completing above checklist, please ensure Generator is in Shutdown condition so that detailed checking of system can be done during commissioning. Generator can be started again after completion of Commissioning.

Please ensure availability of Engineer of Purchaser/End User to witness and/or verify commissioning