Data Sheet of IRD8800 Series Module M88200-DC

Data Sheet of IRD8800 Series Module M88200-DC for Casing Vibration

IRD8800 Series is an API 670 Compliant Machinery Protection System (MPS). It's module M88200-DC is meant for Casing Vibration measurement. Important aspects of the module are:

Sr. No.





  • Electronic Microprocessor based Module.

  • Each monitor module is an independent monitor with its own power supply, display, keypad for programming, relays etc.


Type of Mounting

Plug In type to IRD8800 Main Rack


No. of Channels per Module

Two Channels per module


Programmable from the Front Panel


Programmable from the password protected Front Panel Keypad for-

  • Measurement Range & Units.

  • Select Sensor &program sensitivity.

  • TX Fail settings.

  • Alarm/Trip - Time delay (default value 5 seconds,range 0-60 seconds), Hysteresis (default value 02 counts, maximum 30 counts can be set) , FS/NFS, Latching/non latching

  • Filter Selection LPF = 1Khz / 5Khz / 10 Khz, HPF = 5Hz / 10Hz / 20Hz

  • Trip by-pass.

  • RS485 RTU (Modbus) Communication Protocol



Sensor: Accelerometer, Piezo Velometer



  • The measurement units can be in English or Metric. This is fully


  • For the Accelerometer input the module gives velocity or acceleration readout.

  • For the Velometer input the module gives velocity or displacement readout.

  • Full Scale Range - max 150mm/s pk, 1000 microns pk-pk.

  • Isolated 4-20mA one per channel at 600 ohms load resistance.

  • 100 segment Bar Graph display per channel and digital 16x2 LCD display.

  • Buffered Analyser output one per channel on front panel and backplane. (Note: User to disable Drive Current on their Third Party Vibration Analyzer/Data Collector at the time of using Buffered Outputs.)

  • RS485 MODBUS RTU protocol.

  • LED Indication - Alarm/Trip and Trip by-pass.

  • TX Fail indication and its Relay contact output.

  • Independent Alarm/Trip Relay potential free contact outputs per



4-20 mA DC Isolated Output

  • Linear over the select Full Scale range.

  • Automatically set to the select full scale range.

  • However, 4mA corresponding to the Zero can be suitably set from the front panel keypad because the signal <4mA is treated as invalid   signal input by the DCS: needs to go through programming mode.


Unhealthy Conditions

During Power ON, TX Fail and Over - range the 4-20mA DC signal output is pulled down below 4mA. During TX Fail Condition the mA value will drop down to 2.8 mA. For TX Fail Condition VMS Cards have Relay Contact which can be used to transmit the TX Fail Signal.


Amplitude Linearity

Better than +/-1% plus +/-2LC.



Monitor accuracy is better than 1% +/-2LC


AuxiliaryPower (sensor power)

4mA Constant current at @+24V.


Relay contact Rating

5 Amp @240V AC Resistive.


Power Supply

  • +24 VDC from 'Selec RPS480' Power Supply Module which works on 240 VAC, Single Phase Input

  • Each module takes 15VA.

  • Each IRD8800 Module has O-Ring Diode within its circuit. It's purpose is to compare between Main and Redundant Power Line. It allows higher of the 2 lines to pass through for powering the cards.



0 to 65 degree C


Operating Humidity Range

95% non-condensing


Operator Interface

  • Bright Bar Graph display for easy view from a distance.

  • Digital display is also provided.

  • When programmed to display bar graph as percentage of Alarm or Trip Level set, the Operator can at glance, see how much away the process value is from the present Alarm (or Trip) level.

  • LED indications for Alarm/Trip and Start-up.

  • Bar graph flashing indicates TX fail.

  • Trip bypass LED indication.

  • Alarm/Trip Acknowledgement.

  • Viewing of pre-setAlarm/Trip levels, Machine speed(if the Tacho input is given) and Sensor Bias Voltage in multiple screen mode from  the front panel keypad.


Special Notes
