

Over 30 years ago we were IRD Reps in Puerto Rico.  I grew up with the 810, 890, Fasttrack, and 880 vibration analyzers and data collectors.  Today I work in a Company (Sartorius) which uses an AMS 2140 Data collector / Analyzer.  Calibration Costs $7,984 / year. which I find ridiculus.  My Idea:   the AMS 2140 accelerometer cable is a two-pin cable.  The IRD Calibrator (P/N: 20173N) is a very inexpensive two-pin calibrator (generates a signal of 1 g pk at a frequency of 100 Hz or 6000 CPM).  Question:  Can I connect the calibrator to the AMS 2140 and check for the 1 g pk signal at 6000 CPM on the 2140 spectrum graph to check calibration?